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I dedicate this material to my husband Dwain and our family who recognized my unique perspectives on raising children and dealing with everyday things. He encouraged me to write things down and organize my thoughts so we could share them with those willing to listen.

We both are dedicated parents to six kids between the two of us and proud grandparents of seven. Before that we went through our own difficulties and lessons life was sending us. At the time we met we connected to each other almost instantly in the moment we met. The desire to share was felt from our first date which lasted almost 8 hours. Even though we are from opposite ends of the planet, we discovered many similar interests and a desire to help others. One of our favorite things is the fact that our taste in music is a little unconventional. At our wedding our song was “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd.

As a parent with small children and often when my boys were maturing, people talked about how lucky I was to have such wonderful kids. I have always loved hearing compliments like that and I would reply with. “It’s not only luck, it’s a life-long commitment and hard work right from the beginning that brings such big pleasure on so many levels”.

From the moment I was aware of wanting children I started to plan how to raise them. I would think about their health and happiness, their emotional and mental development and respected them as individuals from the moment of conception.

From my humble beginnings I was always an adventurous type, maybe because I was born on a train between Armenia and Ukraine.  With a flair for adventure in a military family, I was raised in five different countries from the mountains of Georgia to the hills of Ukraine. I was fortunate to have experienced a wonderful rich childhood provided by a wise father and protective mother. My curiosity led me to a higher education and my first degree was in Pharmacy. I decided to return to university and got a Masters in Civil Engineering, and also studied Psychology as my minor. I worked in the field of Civil Engineering for 18 years and was involved in counseling soldiers returning from Afghanistan in the early 1980’s.

My passion now and always has been family oriented. I love how psychology allows me the freedom to help others plan for a better life. This passion compels me to continue to learn more in psychology and share my knowledge. All those years I continued to learn and discovered many interesting things. My analytical mind is what helps me solve puzzles simply by observing.

My approach with all my clients is related to Luule Viilma teachings, Carl Jung theories, Emotional Logic methods, Dolores Cannon techniques and many years of my own researches, observations and healing abilities and practices.

I have been asked many times about how I handled situations as a professional, wife and a Mother, and decided to share my thoughts here on this site. There are many gems hidden throughout the site waiting for those open to learning new and exciting methods, techniques and strategies for a happy life, genuine respect and a fulfilling marriage.

There are many ways to learn and share and you are invited to comment on what inspires you.

With Love,

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