“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…”
― Nicholas Sparks
“The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be.”
― Neale Donald Walsch
THM – Thought Healing Method; you need to heal your spiritual growing, to heal yourself – your soul and spirit, to find balance with our planet and to be in balance with yourself. To find who you really are you need to understand where you came from and how Universe works, to understand and follow Universal and God’s Laws.
Every person thinks, feels and behaves in his/her own way. Using Emotional Logic techniques we say there are NO negative emotions; only unpleasant ones with useful purposes. When people understand these useful purposes, to give them energy to adjust to changes, they feel better about themselves and understand others better as well.
Long held emotions are like an onion – many layers upon layers – and we need to softly peel back each layer and let go of the energy stored there. As we do so we reach levels of clarity which helps us connect with the core issue we have been hiding there from ourselves. We need to take time for this and to have patience and self love.
Our thoughts and our feelings create our life! If you would like to learn how to better deal with emotions, visit the Emotional Logic Training College and pick up their free information.
“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert “Eat, Pray, Love”
“Love should be a reality in your life, not just a poem, not just a dream. It has to be actualized. It is never too late to experience love for the first time. Learn to love. Very few people know how to love. They all know that love is needed, they all know that without love life is meaningless, but they don’t know how to love.” — Osho
Love is the only one thing that is real!
We go to the gym when we want to take care of our bodies, it is the same for our brain and our mind or the energy of love – it needs exercise too. It is a proven fact that people who speak more than one language have fewer instances of Alzheimer or dementia due to the extra brain activity, in other words their mental exercise strengthens and enhances the mind.
You can always recognize when a person is in love: they are glowing! The same with people who are generally happy throughout their life, either with a person, activities, or the work they do. They age gracefully, even looking better – glowing as they age, like Steven Taylor or as an example the movie “When Harry met Sally” – look at the couples that were interviewed at the beginning and end: they seem beautiful from the light coming from inside of them being in love for their whole life…isn’t it amazing and don’t we all want to feel the same, and feel young just being happy… Lets discover this together and share our happiness.
Love rejuvenates our brain and spirit and makes it stronger!
We need to communicate so we understand each other. It is no use just nodding in approval. To be perfectly clear, we have to understand some basic spiritual truths and divine laws of nature. Give someone a hug and enjoy the kindness you both feel.
General Concept
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought” – Peace Pilgrim
The general concept in Thought Healing Method is dealing with stress. In a medical sense, stress is defined as a syndrome where the body detects strong external stimuli, then engages defensive countermeasures against the stressor and finally exhausts itself and begins to run out of defenses.
In our Thought Healing Method, stress is considered as a much wider phenomenon. In general we can say that stress is any condition where we have overwhelmed our mind, thus causing the destabilized situation in our body which leads to illness. So the root cause of any illness is actually stress, which we have not released yet.
Stresses tend to follow a certain path. They grow, transform and accumulate. Even the smallest stress can be sufficient to release an avalanche of illness, because you have already gathered and suppressed so many before. And the primary stress of every human being is the fear of not being loved, and fear is the strongest emotion a human experiences. I call it the fear of fears. It’s a simple stress, yet most difficult to recognize, understand and release.
We can trace this specific stress to the time where we were conceived by our parents. In that moment our soul is separated from universal energy and becomes autonomous. The first thing it searches for is a feeling of love which is so prevalent where the soul came from. Unfortunately in that precise moment our parents know very little about what is happening, and as a result are incapable of giving us what we are looking for.
So this is your first lesson – learn to forgive your parents because they were unaware of the importance of the moment of your conception, and did not welcome you as a new soul with the appropriate love in their hearts. They will always love you the way they can – remember this!
I mentioned forgiving here. It’s because forgiving is the only way to release stress and balance the situation. By forgiving, you literally give away your stress. It won’t be yours anymore, thus you are releasing yourself from it. At the same time you ask forgiveness from the counterpart (or cause) of this stress, so that both “ends” of the stress can be released.
Then you can ask forgiveness from your body, because you had caused harm by letting the stress grow. Finally, you forgive yourself that you were not able to prevent the growth of stress, because you are a human who is learning earthly wisdom through stress. In this way all participants in stress related situations will be liberated.
We have all been through times in our lives when we knew the right thing to do was to forgive someone, but swallowing a bitter pill like that is not easy. Rick Warren said in Ladies Home Journal that, “Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves that allows us to get on with our lives instead of being trapped in the past by resentment.”
The human body is a miraculous machine! Our body was created to be healthy because it can heal itself, to take care of itself always if we do not interfere… Our mind is a very powerful source and it can make us sick or heal us the same powerful way, to heal our body.
Everything in this world is Energy, including thoughts. Thoughts are rule life. Positive thought creates positive effects, negative – negative. Everybody has own thoughts.
Everyone has to take care of how to correct their own way of thinking and not looking for any faults in others.
Our body is the bridge connecting our soul and spirit. How solid is this bridge depends on our own senses which were given to us with birth right by God, or Higher Consciousness or Higher Self and are developing towards future.
If the primary energy moves in its invisibility so in the visibility it is the energy of Love. If the primary energy in its invisibility doesn’t move then in the visibility it’s called spite. The law of universe is saying: everything what I do will return back to me in double power! The same as: not knowing the law does not give you the right to plead not guilty, so the same way I’m taking responsibility for my own negativity.
Man takes illness on himself. It is the consequence. The cause is the negative thought!
Combining THM with Emotional Logic is a powerful path to living consciously. The tools provided in our courses make it easy to attain a higher level of consciousness by simply practicing the exercises provided.
Tanya is known for her ability to listen with attention and understanding.
She is famous for feeling things intuitively by reading the frequency of words, impressions and insights, revealing solutions you would not otherwise think of.