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A Happy Family is a Wonderful Thing

“Love is the goal, life is the journey” – Osho

We all crave a happy understanding family. As time goes by we quite often let our surroundings influence us instead of relying on something like Emotional Logic® to guide our choices.

Your reality is an absolute mirror of who and what you are. You are 100% responsible for everything you do, say and experience because of freewill. Nevertheless, making choices based on fear are quite often lousy choices.

You are perfect, and therefore every aspect of your reality is perfect. What this means is that the state of your life at this moment is exactly the perfect state of being for your journey to understand all that you are.

It is important to understand, family is the seed of each succeeding generation. Words that come out of our mouths have the power to empower or destroy.

In the science of Epigenetics, research has proven that thoughts and actions not only influence our children, but also the physical development of their brain. The unborn carry your attitudes forward and expand upon each next generation. How many times have you heard someone say “kids seem to be so much smarter these days”

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